In Fall 2023, CSUF will have the majority of classes meet in person (with whatever physical spacing, cleaning, and protective equipment that is dictated by the State and County guidelines). When you register, if the class is not in person, then the course modality will be on the schedule indicating one of these:
WEB-OF Fully Online instruction in either synchronous or asynchronous modes
WEB-OH Hybrid instruction (both online and in-person) 
WEB-OC Online with Required Course Meetings (online with minimal in-person meetings)

Synchronous online courses require you to be online at a specific time that will be listed in the class schedule, whereas asynchronous online courses do not require you to be present at a specific time.
Registration and Records are here to help with a couple of tips to help you plan your Fall semester.

  • Since the mix of courses that you choose may be both virtual, hybrid and in person, make sure that you leave 
    enough time between courses.
  • If you have an online course directly after an in-person course, make sure that you have reliable access to wifi to be able to connect to your course. There are numerous wifi locations on campus.
  • If you have any questions, please email us at arsc@fullerton.eduOpens in new window and we will be glad to assist.


  1. Face-to-Face/Traditional: the class will be held on campus and instruction will occur within the classroom. If/when campus is closed to instruction due to public health concerns, these courses will be held virtually, as they were last semester.
  2. Other classes may be virtual or fully online.

a. Asynchronous: there will be instructional activities in which the instructor and/or some or all of the students engage in activities that are not necessarily occurring simultaneously. Students will not be required to be present at particular days and times. Asynchronous online classes will list "TBA" under the Days & Times.

Async Class TBA





Classes that list both patterns will include a combination of synchronous and asynchronous activities.

Async-Sync Pattern

b. Synchronous: there will be instructional activities in which both the students and the 
instructor are present and engaged in the activities at the same time. You will need to be available at the days and times listed on the class schedule for these activities.

Sync Class


If you have not yet registered for fall classes, you will be able see the modality when searching for classes.
Below are images of the different types of classes that will appear in the course schedule:

1. Face-to-Face/Traditional classes that will be in-person when campus is open and virtual only if campus is closed:


When campus is open for in-person instruction this class will be held at the designated day, time, and location listed above. If campus is closed to instruction, virtual class sessions may be held synchronously at the above 
times and days.

2. Virtual classes via web that will be fully online all semester with all asynchronous instruction: 

Online Async

3, Virtual classes via web that will be fully online all semester with some or all synchronous instruction:

Online Sync






Instruction is virtual via web fully online for the entire semester. Any synchronous online meetings will occur during the listed days and times.


Additional information about the course requirements can be found in the Notes section of the Class Detail.

If you have already registered, information about the modality of your class will be available in your Student Homepage and if there has been a change in the modality of your course the instructor or department will email you. To access your schedule do the following:

Log into your student homepage and select 'My Class Schedule.'

Class Schedule