Waitlisting is available in all colleges. If a course is full, you may try to obtain a place in the class by placing yourself on the waitlist. As space in the class becomes available, your name will advance on the waitlist. If enough students drop the course, you may be automatically enrolled from the waitlist. *

Last day to enroll from waitlist is Sunday January 29, 2023. 



  1. The online waitlisting feature will cease to function with the end of the first week of class, but the waitlist will be retained for informational purposes for the instructor. There is no guarantee that the instructor will enroll you for the course even if you are on the waitlist.
  2. Many classes offer waitlisting with the exception of 495, 499, 595, 598 and 599 classes.
  3. The standard waitlist limit for each class is 15 students; this is regardless of the class limit. Some classes may have different waitlist limits based on department discretion.
  4. You can waitlist for a maximum of 8 units, provided that each course's waitlist is not already full. (Note: Waitlisted units are not included toward your enrollment unit limit. Once you successfully get into the class, then the units will count towards your enrollment unit limit.)
  5. You must meet any requisites for the class before you can be placed on the waitlist, e.g., course prerequisites, section co-requisites, major and class level restrictions.
  6. Students cannot waitlist the same lecture section or the same lab section more than once.
  7. If a seat becomes available, the student first on the waitlist will get the seat (subject to the restrictions below).
  8. Students will be moved from the waitlist into the class if other students drop or are dropped due to non-payment of fees.
  9. If students drop, seats will not be available to students who happen to log in if there is someone
    on the waitlist.
  10. If you are moved from the waitlist into the class, you will receive an email notification.
  11. If you are waitlisted for multiple sections of the same course, and you successfully get into one of the sections, you will be automatically removed from the waitlists for the other sections. If you are enrolled in a class, you will never be enrolled into any other section of the same class, nor will you be automatically removed from waitlists of the same class. If you prefer to be enrolled from a class for which you are waitlisted, you must first drop the class you are enrolled in to have the possibility of being enrolled in the preferred class section
  12. You will not be billed for waitlisted classes but will be billed if moved from a waitlist into a class and the additional units result in higher registration fees. It is important to check your class schedule and account summary regularly to avoid possible cancellation due to a newly added class(es).
  13. If you are moved from the waitlist into a class, it is your responsibility to drop the class (as with any other class) if you decide not to attend. Failure to do so will result in a 'WU' grade on your record, which will lower your grade point average.
  14. There is no guarantee you will be moved off the waitlist and enrolled into the class. Once the process to move students from the waitlist has run for the final time, instructors are not required to add students who were waitlisted for the class. With the exception of CPSC (Computer Science), who uses alternative criteria to determine waitlist priority after the first day of class. Please see the department for more details.

Students will be moved from the waitlist into the class if space becomes available and in the order placed, unless any of the following restrictions apply:

  1. There is a time conflict with another registered class. Since potential time conflicts are not checked when you place yourself on a waitlist, you should ensure that waitlisted classes do not conflict with your enrolled schedule.
  2. You are already enrolled in another section of the same course. Do not use waitlisting to try to get into another section of a course in which you are already enrolled, as you will not be moved from the waitlist if space becomes available. You will need to choose whether to take a chance and place yourself on the waitlist of the full section in the hope that space becomes available or remain enrolled in the section you have already scheduled.
  3. Enrollment from waitlist will exceed student's maximum unit limit for the term. Unit limits are Spring 2022 Registration Guide 41 viewable in the Student Center under enrollment details.

If you cannot be moved from the waitlist, for any of the reasons given above, you will be skipped and the next student considered. You will not be reconsidered until the next time space becomes available in the class. Check your schedule regularly in your Student Center to monitor your position on a waitlist. If you decide you
no longer wish to wait for space to become available, you should drop yourself from a waitlist.